The Sandon School

Curriculum justification & provision Years 12-13


Curriculum justification for the Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13)

“relevant qualifications”

Our curriculum offer at post-16 consists of all Level 3 courses.  These are predominantly academic A level courses as these are the courses that a large number of our students wish to study to reach the destinations they aspire to.

However, we also offer a range of Level 3 vocational courses which complement each other and can be coupled with A level courses; offering a rich range of study pathways that appeal to students of all abilities, opening doors to a wide range of career and further education opportunities.

The qualifications we offer all have logical pathways from study at KS4 ensuring seamless transition from Year 11 into Year 12.

“a pathway system”

Students have very different needs and aspirations. By offering different pathways to our learners we provide opportunities for all students to shape their own future whilst continuing their study at Sandon

Guidance about the right combination, number and level of courses takes place during Year 11, ensuring all students are aware of the opportunities for study at Sandon and how this can best support their future goals and aspirations.

opportunities to develop the characters of the whole person “

At Sandon we believe that learning takes place in and between lessons, in subjects and in extra-curricular activities; and in the behavior and values displayed by all in the school community.  Our sixth form provide excellent role models for the rest of the school, and play a large part in promoting positive behavior and mutual respect throughout our school community.

Our sixth from students are encouraged to be involved in leadership opportunities in school, such as peer and academic mentoring the Head Student and senior prefect teams.

Enrichment activities take place weekly, enhancing personal growth and development. An extensive range of extra-curricular activities is provided and students also have many opportunities to participate in a variety of trips and visits, charity work and work with the local community.

Students learn to be independent, to think for themselves and have the necessary ambitions and skills to aim high, preparing them to take their place in the modern world.

Curriculum provision for the Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13)

The Sandon School offers a wide range of Level 3 qualifications and three pathways of study.

All qualifications are 2 year courses, with exams sat in the June of the 2nd year

Pathway 1

3 x Level 3 qualifications

This is the pathway that most students choose to follow.

Students are encouraged to research future pathways to ensure combinations of subjects will support their future plans and aspirations

A combination of academic and vocational subjects helps to balance exam pressure with non-examined assessments

Pathway 2

4 x Level 3 qualifications

A small number of students wish to study four x level 3 qualifications

Although 4 Level 3 qualifications are not a prerequisite for university study, if a student is achieving an average of 7 across all their GCSE subjects and wishes to study four subjects this can be considered. The student will be invited to interview, with their parents,  to discuss how this will fit in with their future plans

Pathway 3

 2 x Level 3 qualifications

 (part time study

Some students might prefer to study two Level 3 qualifications alongside work experience or other forms of study.

The expectation will be that students following this part-time pathway will be those with additional commitments (eg student is a carer or has a specific work goal in mind where part time study would support that)

Currently entry requirements for The Sandon Sixth Form are :

  1. Level 4 in Maths and English
  2. Average of 40 points from 8 GCSEs
  3. Subject specific entry requirements (issued in advance of prospective students making their choices)
Art and Design A Level Health & Social Care BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate
Biology A Level History A Level
Business: Enterprise & Marketing BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate ICT BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate
Chemistry A Level Law A Level
Computer Science A Level Maths A Level
Criminology WJEC Applied diploma Music A Level
Design & Technology A Level Performing Arts Practice (Acting) BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma
Economics A Level Perforing Arts Practice (Dance) BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma
English Literature A Level PE A Level
Film Studies A Level Photography A Level
Forensic & Criminal Investigation A Level Physics A Level
French A Level Psychology A Level
Geography A Level RE A Level
Government & Politics A Level Spanish A Level

The following level 3 qualifications are available for study in the Sandon Sixth Form

Each Level 3 qualification is taught for nine hours over the 2-week timetable cycle

In Year 12, all students follow an enrichment programme offering a wide range of practical activities including Community Sports Leaders Award, recreational sport, art and photography, cooking for university and business enterprise.  

Citizenship, Personal, Social, Moral and Health Education (PSHE) and Careers

Citizenship and Personal, Social, Moral and Health Education is delivered through assemblies and through events such as theatre-in-education performances, workshops and guest speakers. These events take place throughout the year and the timetable may be suspended to facilitate them.