The Sandon School

School Site & Facilities 

The Sandon School continues to make a significant investment in the facilities it offers its students, including a rolling programme of refurbishment of our teaching areas.

We have a fully equipped fitness gym and two 4G astroturf pitches, together with two sports halls, a gym, a dance studio, an all-weather long jump pit and extensive playing fields. Our Performing Arts faculty boasts a fully equipped drama studio, performance areas and music practice rooms. We have seven dedicated ICT suites, ICT resources in every classroom and a large library/learning centre. Our Science department boasts modern laboratories and an outdoor science garden.

Students at break times purchase food from the main dining hall or one of two satellite serveries and have the use of many covered eating areas and outdoor play facilities. Our Sixth Form students have their own Sixth Form centre which has a quiet study area, common room and outdoor garden.

For further information, including details of out of school hours facility hire availability, charges and hire agreements, please contact the Finance Office via email