The Sandon School



It is school policy that uniform is worn by all students except members of the Sixth Form (Years 12/13) who have their own dress ethos. We believe that uniform can play a key role in promoting the ethos of the school by helping to establish a strong sense of identity and inclusivity and setting an appropriate tone for education.  Uniform should be worn with pride and kept clean and smart.  For example, shirts and blouses should be tucked in, top buttons should be fastened and ties should be worn correctly. All items should be named.

An optional summer polo shirt is available and can be worn during the summer term.  If a student chooses to wear a polo shirt, they do not need to bring in a blazer.  However, full standard school uniform, with tie and blazer, should be worn on special occasions such as Prizes & Awards and Parents’ Evenings.

Breaches of the uniform policy will be dealt with in a proportionate and fair way in accordance with the school’s behaviour policy which can be viewed here

As clothing can be expensive, we have tried to keep the uniform list to a sensible minimum.  We are happy to see parents in individual cases where, particularly for religious reasons, the uniform requirements may need to be discussed. 

Those uniform items which are unique to our school are marked on the uniform list with an asterisk and can be purchased from our official uniform stockist:

General school uniform:

Schoolwear Plus
The Bringey Centre
Church Street
Great Baddow, Chelmsford
Tel: 01245 491170

PE Kits:

From September 2023 the school will be moving to an online supplier SchoolSports4U for its PE kit.  During the transition period you should still purchase the PE polo shirt from Schoolwear Plus.


Other items can be purchased from high street stores or supermarkets.  Friends of Sandon School (FOSS) hold stocks of good quality pre-loved uniform which is available to buy at very reasonable prices.  Please contact FOSS via the school.

The current uniform which should be worn by students is as follows:

SCHOOL uniform

Blazer (*)

Navy blue with badge.  (A sew-on badge for adding to a navy blazer is offered by our uniform supplier as an alternative)

Skirt (*)

Blue Kilt - knee length. 


Navy blue, standard school style (not chino, leggings or jean style).



Sky-blue poly-cotton shirt of the traditional school type (not patterned, denim, heavy cotton or fancy), worn tucked in.

An optional Sandon School polo shirt may be worn during the summer.   Blazers are not required to be worn with the summer polo shirt.

School Tie (*)

Alternative ties are available for prefects and sporting responsibilities.


Navy blue, V-neck Jumper.


Black, plain, flat-heeled with closed backs and toes. Maximum heel height 5cm (not trainers, boots or canvas shoes).  Boots may be worn to travel to and from school in bad weather but must be changed on arrival.


Socks: plain navy or black. Long over the knee socks should not be worn. 

Tights: plain navy or flesh coloured.

Make-up/ Nails

Any face make-up must be discreet.  False eyelashes are not permitted. 

Nail varnish and false nails are not permitted.


Extreme hairstyles such as tramlines, unnatural colours and streaks and hair length of less than number 1 are not acceptable.

NB:   Long hair must be tied up for practical subjects.


One watch - smart watches should not be worn.  If a watch is to be worn, a cheaper, simple watch is adequate

Small ear studs – plain; one only per ear – no other studs or piercing.


Hair slides, ribbon etc. - navy, plain. (Unusual items of clothing eg brightly coloured hats/scarves are not acceptable.)


Warm layer (*)

Blue school fleece with logo or Blue school rugby top


Plain black and mid-thigh in length.  One small discreet logo is permitted but stripes and large logos are not  

Polo Shirt (*)

Royal blue with school logo


Football socks - Royal Blue
White socks


Indoor / Outdoor trainers.  Football boots
Plimsolls & high top trainers are not appropriate footwear for safe participation in pe lessons.

Optional item  

Plain black tracksuit trousers/ full length leggings, plain black without pattern or mesh panels, small logo only permitted. 
Please note that heavy cotton tracksuit trousers are not an appropriate item of clothing for safe participation in PE lessons.


No jewellery may be worn for PE lessons


All valuables must be given to Student Services to be locked away during PE lessons.