The Sandon School


Statement of Intent

Our purpose is to provide high quality teaching enabling students to reach their full potential.  Their education will equip them for life outside school and will show how relevant Law is in their everyday interactions. As an academic subject, Law encourages accuracy and attention to detail together with a methodical approach to evaluation and critical comment, based on evidence for objectivity. Students acquire problem solving skills and an understanding of the wider implications of Law which will equip them for the responsibilities of adult and working life.


Law is a new topic to students in Year 12 so it is vital to use a building block approach to ensure students have the basic skills and understanding needed to progress.  Terminology is a focus, together with real examples and cases to demonstrate the application of legal rules which can be theoretical and overwhelming.

Other resources 

Students are provided with word document handouts (also available on Sharepoint) which can be added to in class by teacher input (via the use of PowerPointss) and use of the relevant textbook. Textbooks are retained in school for class use but students can purchase a textbook to supplement lesson content work at home. Students prepare revision materials throughout the course and can use study periods and homework time to review lesson content and reinforce their knowledge. Short question tests are used to remind students of the core AO1 content for each topic.

Extra curricular opportunities     

Chelmsford Court visit, QC speaker, Visit from Essex Police
