Teacher Training
Train to Teach at The Sandon School
Explore Your Pathway into Teaching
Teaching is a highly rewarding and impactful career, offering opportunities for growth and the chance to inspire young minds. At The Sandon School, we are proud to support and guide the next generation of teachers as they embark on this fulfilling journey, helping them shape the future for young people.
With various routes into teaching available, navigating your options can feel overwhelming. That’s where we come in. Partnering with several local training providers, we offer impartial advice to help you identify the pathway that’s right for you—whether you’re new to education or bringing prior experience in the field.
At The Sandon School, we’re here to support you every step of the way as you pursue a career in teaching.
For further information please contact Josh Goodacre, Assistant Headteacher – Staff Development via JGO@sandon.essex.sch.uk