Statement of Curriculum Intent
In pursuit of excellence the School has established a learning community that prepares students for the 21st Century. The curriculum supports the School aim of ‘Achievement for Every Learner’.
We offer across the age and ability range a flexible and accessible curriculum which will open up a range of learning pathways for the future – to university, college, apprenticeships, the world of work and towards personal achievement goals. A team of committed and talented staff work together with parents/carers and students to provide the sort of stimulating environment which benefits and motivates each individual, preparing them to confidently contribute to, and take their place in, the modern world.
We deliver this aim by ensuring our taught curriculum is broad. Throughout Years 7-9 all students follow the same programme of study, experiencing a full range of subjects, including all those outlined in the national curriculum. The curriculum is both content and mastery based; this ensures students learn a range of concepts and themes in each subject whilst being supported in applying what they know to a range of problems and scenarios. All lesson are carefully planned with tasks designed to help students to learn to think for themselves, and to solve problems. There are opportunities to stretch and challenge the most able and to provide additional support for those who might experience barriers to learning.
The majority of students in Years 10 and 11 study a curriculum leading to qualifications in nine subjects. A full programme of careers education and guidance supports students to make informed choices when selecting options to study. To cater for the needs of all our students we also offer an increased flexibility programme, which provides enrichment activities to support the development of linguistic, mathematical and life skills, ensuring all students have the opportunity and support to flourish. We have a thriving Sixth Form offering a range of Level 3 courses.
We believe learning should be fun. Enjoyment fosters a love for learning where students feel safe to explore new ideas, grow in self-confidence and develop resilience and perseverance. Alongside the academic, we place equal value on the development of the whole child, promoting positive behaviour and mutual respect, developing qualities of self-reliance and confidence in our students, alongside an understanding, care and tolerance of others.
Our taught curriculum is balanced. Across Years 7 – 13 each subject has time to deliver its distinctive contribution. No one subject dominates a student’s timetable, ensuring equal status is given to the learning within all disciplines.
There is a shared determination amongst staff for all students to attain the highest standards of academic achievement. We expect our students to have similar aspirations and we are proud of our performance in public examinations. However, our teaching goes well beyond the requirements of the academic curriculum in terms of the experiences we provide. Enrichment activities take place both within and outside the curriculum, enhancing personal growth and development. An extensive range of extracurricular activities is provided and students also have many opportunities to participate in a variety of trips and visits, charity work and work within the local community.
We believe it is important that students learn to be independent, to think for themselves and have the necessary ambitions and skills to aim high and make the most of their time at our School. This is key preparation for the next stage of their education and a successful and fulfilling life.
If you have any questions on the taught curriculum here at Sandon, please email in the first instance.